When Heart Talks…

The loneliness of skies reflected in my heart
Walk into my life, surrender your life and make my music
Be my soulmate, make Love Eternal
Everything I loved was snatched away
They won it all; I lost it all
Lose your heart to me, Let me win this once
Let my song live forever on your Lips
Far away in Horizons, the evening turns to a shy bride
My dreams are lit by your thoughts
My heavy eyes are full of water
Each breath is a sigh, an Agony
Just then, someone stirs my Heart
Touched by you, Didn’t see You
I am still lost in the evening, Spent in your Embrace
You Promised “Never will be Apart, Never will be Two Hearts.”
You call me Infidel; I took all your Pain, I Pine for you now
Don’t be so intoxicated by Ick, Think of me, Think of me
I am a Fire, Stay away, Steer Clear
Don’t be swayed by Love; It is Insanity
The Flame burns her Lover, The Moths of Passion
The Flame warns her Lover, The Moths Never Heed
Flowers always bloom, some are to be Withered
You and Me were bound to Love; You won’t find me again
The Foilage of Autumn, Won’t Blossom in Spring
Once they are gone, those Dusks and Dawns, those Nights and Twilights
This is the lesson of Life, Love and Parting
I am the Poetess of the Moment
I am here; I will be gone too
Just like the Youth, Just like the Innocence


Love Potion

I know you’re Rare
I am ready to take this Dare

I want you, you’re Exquisite
But I have my own Prerequisite

We are the most Intricate Pattern
Be my Sun, My Moon, My Saturn

You decided to be Unendurable
Then just know I too ain’t Curable

Agreed that your Magnificent
But you know me, The Maleficient

Why Impossible to Untangle
Come Fight me, Wrangle

Sharp eyes, Piercing Gaze
Intense Puzzle, Harrowing Maze

Excruciating Perfection
Torturous Seduction

I will drink this Love Potion
Break and Shatter all your Notion

Let it go down my Throat, Poison my Veins
Let it Infiltrate my Blood, Loosen the Reins

No good will come from Fearing
Come, I am ready for this Searing

We will both rise again from the Ashes
From it a new Dawn, a new Sun Flashes
